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3 articles from
Month: October 2014
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Dear Society: Stop Killing; Start Murdering

Murder. The word has a certain poetry to it, power and dark intention. We’ve lost faith in murder. Oh, we still  value violence. When Hamas launches rockets or a new terror stirs in Iraq and Syria, we respond. Sometimes we preempt. If it’s kill or be killed, we know where we stand. We still (on […]

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Enlightenment: Crude. Unsanitary. Ultra-Orthodox.

As every Jew knows, the religious ones are the rude ones. They jostle and shove and step on you and they’re not apologizing anytime soon. The first thing I ever saw in Meron on Lag Ba’omer, almost five years ago: a father slapped his son’s face so hard he pirouetted a full circle before bursting […]

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Why Can’t A Nation Of Talmudists Write A Poem?

It’s funny that the same people that obsesses over a Tosfos can’t seem to warm up to poetry. The two forms are similar in their constrictions and have parallel goals, and both have historically been part of Judaism. What allows us to attack one with vigor, and never consider the other? 1. Talmudic Tribulations What’s […]

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